atlas-mountains, morocco, day 12, #2

Defender and G-wagon in search of remoteness

Camera: Canon EOS 1Ds MKIII, EOS 5D mkII
Lens: Canon EF 16-35 mm. f/4.0L IS, EF 24-105 mm. f/4.0L IS

I think everybody hates to spool progress back up on the reel, I for one certainly dislike retracing my own tracks. Heading into the unknown on the mountains-tracks will mean that retracing will be an likely outcome, whether you like it or not. I have this habit of always choosing the lesser traveled path when I encounter an unexpected and uncharted fork in the road.

Going with confident onto the poorest and less maintained tracks will oblivious increase the chances of defeat massively; - still I nearly always choose them, knowing so well by experience the potential risk of a retrace. I never really seem to learn from my mistakes, but I donīt really mind it at all, somehow I have learned to like what I hate, - itīs quite bizarre. But deep in my heart I know that taking the more desolated path often will present you with a greater adventure, the going might be more roughed, but in many ways I see beauty in the rough.

So now you will understand that my passion for the less traveled tracks is some kind of a love and hate thing. Itīs a bit like unconditional love, you know that loving someone might hurt you, but the beautiful emotion of it still drives you on, too enable you to enjoy just a little more of that wonderful stuff although it could cause you some pain. Sometimes loving something or someone hurts a bit in between all the pleasure. I think thatīs just the way itīs supposed to be, and I can accept that.

So although the double retraces Ken and I did this afternoon caused a lot of pain, the joy of the great moments while the going was good, was just so worth it.

